Friday, April 23, 2010

Call for contentment stories

To all my friends (and writer author friends, too): I have a work in progress, contracted to be released spring 2011. I plan to include 12 personal stories (men and women) of how you learned contentment. I especially want to know of specific times and how you found your way to trust and contentment.

Your stories can be small situations that only took moments to play out or major, life-altering events. Humorous events are welcomed, too. Briefly describe the event/moment when you lacked contentment and how you got to a better place of peace and trusting God to take you through.

Please write these in first person. Avoid pat answers and vague generalities. I reserve the right for my editor and/or me to revise your submission. To kick start your memories here’s the definition I wrote in the manuscript about God’s instilled peace, “Contentment learned from our trustworthy God brings satisfaction of mind and heart in feast or famine”

Please include your phone number, email address, occupation, and mailing address, nothing but your story will be shared, and I'll notify by September whose story is included. You will receive a free copy of the book in late spring 2011 if your story is used. Your stories can be from 500 words to 1,000 words and will be featured in a section with this working title and your first name: Embracing Contentment ~ Gerry’s Story

Email me at writecat at consolidated dot net

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