Friday, August 05, 2011

Basket Miracles

Winner of the July book drawing: a male reader from Springfield, MO. Book mailed out this week. A new drawing for August. You choose which book you would like to receive. Reply or post to enter.

“There are no miracles, of that I am sure” Pearl S. Buck wrote in “A Bridge for Passing.” Shocked by her words, I read further to see what she based her statement upon. Near the end of this column, I’ll share her explanation.
Baskets of miracles dot the pages of the Bible. I use the term “baskets” quite literally. The first basket miracle assisted in the rescue of a baby. Born into an enslaved family, this baby Moses would become the Hebrews’ savior. Centuries earlier, the Hebrews lived in freedom on Egyptian grazing lands, but when their population grew to staggering numbers, a domineering Pharaoh bound them into servitude.
Despite hundreds of years of harsh treatment and living conditions, the prolific Hebrews kept adding names to their family Bibles. Finally, the Pharaoh issued an edict that all male babies should be drowned in Nile River. At least one Hebrew mother kept the secret that she’d birthed a third child, a son. Prudent, she kept him hidden.
 In private, she wove a tiny bassinet of reeds and coated it with pitch. She placed her infant son inside, most likely christening the tiny boat with prayer. Then she launched the water-worthy vessel into the Nile, and guided by Divine current the baby drifted right into the path of an Egyptian princess and her entourage.

Discovered by royalty, the baby was named “Moses” because he was drawn “from the water.” Spared by God, Moses grew to read and write, tutored by the Egyptians. Later he would record the early history of mankind, from the beginning of the world through God’s law giving. One miracle in a basket.

Much later, when Jesus multiplied a few fish and loaves, there was a hearty catch of leftovers. Matthew 15:29-39 relates that the disciples gathered up seven basketsfuls of God-grown fish and God-baked bread. More baskets of miracles.

Even later, the apostle Paul encountered hostile religious leaders, who refused to listen to his message about the Jesus Christ. Their minds closed to any discussion of religious thought other than their tradition, they plotted to kill Paul. However, ingenious friends helped Paul escape at night by lowering him outside of the Damascus city walls. Another evil plan foiled, another miraculous escape aided by a basket.

The rescues of baby Moses and the adult Paul happened because God worked and kept them alive. Because of their leadership and teaching, others would also escape captivity. At God’s command, Moses led the Hebrews from Egypt. God-commissioned Paul preached to non-Jews, leading many to believe in the Christ.

By definition, a miracle is “an event that appears to be contrary to the laws of nature and is regarded as an act of God,” according to the Encarta World English Dictionary. When Pearl S. Buck wrote “There are no miracles, of that I am sure,” she followed with this explanation.

“If one walks on water and heals the sick and raises the dead to life again, it is not a matter of magic, but of knowing how to do it.” What we observe as extraordinary, the bypassing of the natural laws of the earth are no feat for God. Miracles are simply God’s natural work.  

A baby rescued through the use of a basket, a cancer patient healed, thousands fed from a pittance of food, a prodigal returned home, an apostle survived to tell the good news—all engineered from God’s blueprint—because He is able.

Index card scripture for week 31: Jesus said, “I have compassion for these people….I do not want to send them away hungry or they may collapse on the way” (Matthew 15:32).  

1 comment:

  1. In this post I know the perfect definition of "Miracle". Here you shared so many things about life. It might be helpful to encourage the people and change the attitude of their life. Your title of blog is very attractive. I like to read it
